The Therapeutic Breakthrough of Ketamine

Ketamine therapy represents a cutting-edge treatment in the realm of mental health care. Originally known for its use in anesthesia, ketamine is gaining traction for its potential in treating serious mental illnesses, including treatment-resistant depression, acute suicidality, PTSD, OCD, and anxiety disorder. Its therapeutic use aims to provide relief to patients who have experienced little to no benefit from other medications and treatment modalities.

Ketamine therapy involves administering the drug in lower doses than used for sedation. It's typically given through intravenous infusions that last about 40 minutes, but other forms include intramuscular injections, nasal sprays, and tablets that dissolve under the tongue. The frequency and course of treatment vary, but an initial course typically involves 6-8 treatments over three to four weeks.

What Does Ketamine Therapy Feel Like?

The subjective experience of ketamine therapy varies from patient to patient and often relates to the dosage used. In Envision Mind Care, we ensure individualized treatments, gradually adjusting the dosage for each person’s unique needs and tolerance level.

At an initial lower dosage , patients often report a sense of gentle disconnection from their usual ways of thinking, and sometimes from their physical bodies. This often provides what experts call a "mental timeout," allowing a beneficial interruption of distressing thought patterns.

In a moderate dosage context , the experience deepens. Patients often describe an intensified sensory perception; colors can seem brighter, and a feeling of floating outside one's physical body can occur. This disconnection, or dissociation, feels like a sensation of separation from one's body and thoughts, similar to the sensation of deep meditation, which can lead to profound insights. Patients describe feeling paralyzed unable to move their legs, experiencing “near death “ and being reborn into a new person after the session. It is not uncommon to believe it has lasted for hours when the experience itself lasts only for 20 min.

At higher dosages * , the experience of dissociation amplifies and patients may undergo what can be considered a psychedelic experience. Patients may report vivid closed-eye visual hallucinations, experiencing patterns, shapes, and symbols. It's not uncommon for patients to report a pleasant sensation of being immersed in water, soaring in the air, or seeing familiar faces or natural scenes.

  • Higher Doses for Psychedelic experiences are still significantly lower than doses for sedation procedures


From surviving to thriving: how ketamine therapy can change lives

In a therapeutic environment, a ketamine experience can function as a tool which allows you to detach yourself from your everyday reality, to witness your habitual mental patterns from a whole new vantage point.

During these profound experiences, individuals grappling with mood disorders such as depression often find they can momentarily set aside their constant distress. This usually brings about moments of inner tranquillity and reflective joy, demonstrating for perhaps the first time, that a change of state is indeed within reach for the individual.

This inner expedition that psychedelic therapy encourages can make our emotions and previously elusive thoughts more accessible. It presents opportunities for in-depth self-exploration, affording crucial insights that individuals may otherwise miss out on because of the intensity of their daily struggles and experiences. It is common for those suffering from treatment-resistant depression to struggle for years and even decades. With psychedelic therapy as part of a treatment plan, it is now possible to achieve rapid and lasting relief.

These transformative experiences can be instrumental in helping individuals reimagine their lives. They breathe new life into stagnant mental states and equip individuals with the mental flexibility necessary to break free from the unhelpful cycles of thought and behaviour.

At our Envision Mind Care & Research Institute, this therapy is conducted in the presence of and under the direct supervision of skilled professionals trained to navigate these experiences, ensuring the safety and comfort of individuals at all times.

Despite the unprecedented breakthroughs many enjoy during these experiences, it's worth stressing that they're not an immediate cure-all. Instead, they are stepping stones on the path to better mental health. They should ideally be integrated into a wider, ongoing therapeutic journey to fully harness their potential. Think of it like planting a seed - to grow and flourish, it needs ongoing care and the right environment. At Envision Mind Care, we provide support during the treatment as well as provide after-care resources so that individuals can maintain activities and processes that guide them toward long-lasting mental health improvements.


Preparing for the Ketamine Experience

The impact of ketamine therapy often relates to the accompanying experience or ‘trip,' and appropriate preparation is crucial for optimizing treatment outcomes.

Before Therapy: Take time away from your daily tasks in the hours leading up to the therapy. Relaxation activities like enjoying nature, light yoga, or meditation can help clear your mind. Be sure to drink plenty of water and dress comfortably. Avoid eating 1-2 hours before the treatment. If you must eat prior, consider having a small serving of fruit to provide energy and sustenance.

During Therapy: As the therapy begins, focus on your breath and practice mindfulness. Trust in the process, and understand that while you’ll experience a sensory shift, you are safe. Remember, any challenging emotions or thoughts that arise during the therapy are temporary and may help uncover valuable insights.

After Therapy: Reflection is key after a ketamine therapy session. Journaling, talking with a professional, or sharing your experience with loved ones can help you process the experience. Make time for self-care post-therapy, listen to your body, and provide yourself space to rest and recuperate. At our Edmonton ketamine clinic, we have ample space should you need a quiet place to rest and reflect. If you intend to stay, you may want to bring food or drink items to enjoy after the experience.


How Ketamine Works: The Science Behind Ketamine Therapy

In recent years, robust scientific research has begun to illuminate how this unique therapy works. A main driver of ketamine's efficacy is its promotion of neuroplasticity – the brain's ability to reorganize and form new neurons and neural connections throughout life.

Fundamentally Ketamine increases Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), a protein that plays a key role in neuron health. Ketamine works by blocking the activity of the NMDA receptor, leading to an increase in Glutamate release followed by activation of AMPA receptors and finally increase in BDNF levels. In turn, this amplification of BDNF fosters neuroplasticity, enabling the brain to adapt and change, thus augmenting its resilience against the adverse effects of mental illnesses.

Recent Findings: Emphasizing the Effectiveness of Ketamine Therapy

Emerging studies consistently reaffirm ketamine's potential as a powerful weapon against severe depression.

A groundbreaking study, recently published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, discovered a promising response among patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression after receiving ketamine injections.

About 20% of the patients reported their symptoms disappeared, while a third experienced at least 50% improvement.

These results underscored the dramatic difference ketamine therapy can make when compared to placebo alternatives. The resounding impact was especially notable in patients who had failed to benefit from conventional antidepressants, talk therapy, or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

Further, in The New England Journal of Medicine, a robust study reveals that for some patients, ketamine could be a promising alternative to ECT. The surprise finding indicated that ketamine was more effective than originally hypothesized - it was not just as effective as ECT but surpassed it. This revelation holds significant implications, given that ECT often has side effects like temporary memory loss, muscle pain, or weakness, making it a less appealing option for patients.

The efficiency and rapidly visible results of ketamine therapy are converting more and more medical professionals to consider it as a primary tool in battling mental illnesses. Its profound potency provides hope for patients who might otherwise spend months enduring unsuccessful treatments, allowing them to return to their normal lives much quicker.

Ketamine therapies' promotion of neuroplasticity, combined with its strong potential as an effective treatment for severe, treatment-resistant depression, make it a touchstone of potential in the ongoing quest for comprehensive and efficient mental health care. Every new research study adds a brick in the building of a hopeful future where mental health disorders are understood and can be effectively treated.


  • C. Loo, N. Glozier, D. Barton, et al (2023) Efficacy and safety of a 4-week course of repeated subcutaneous ketamine injections for treatment-resistant depression (KADS study): randomised double-blind active-controlled trial, Cambridge University Press article here

  • Amit Anand, M.D., Sanjay J. Mathew, M.D., et al (2023) Ketamine versus ECT for Nonpsychotic Treatment-Resistant Major Depression, N Engl J Med 2023; 388:2315-2325 article here


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