ADHD Psychoeducational Online Workshop

We are thrilled to inform you that Envision Mind Care is now accepting clients for our highly anticipated ADHD Psychoeducational Online Workshop! We are launching a comprehensive 6-week program, meticulously designed to navigate various aspects of understanding and managing ADHD. Given the in-depth nature of the program and to maintain continuity and progression in the group dynamics, we strongly encourage participants to commit to attending all sessions.

Key Elements of the Program Include:

  • Understanding ADHD

  • Exploring diverse treatment options

  • Lifestyle factors impacting symptoms

  • Everyday coping strategies

  • Exploring the effect of ADHD on relationships and workplace dynamics

Additional Details:

  • Group Size: A close-knit group of 4-6 participants, ensuring quality interaction and individual attention.

  • Cost: $560 for 6 sessions. Sessions may be covered by benefits (under Psychology). Note: all new Envision clients must pay a $190 Intake Fee in addition. Sessions are billed following the completion of each individual workshop.

  • Time: Each session lasts 90 minutes with (3) 5-minute breaks, only on ZOOM.

  • The first session commences in the second week of January and the program continues every Monday from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.